To All

Some may wander what I have been up to these days. I am eager to let you know of a few ideas that I have come up with that can enhance the openSUSE experience, at least, from a design point of view. However, I have a new job and my time to post things on this blog has lessened. This lack of time will only last until the fall though :D

Please, be patient for the next series of articles. I will mostly be discussing Yast and its design enhancements. Yast is single-handedly, the most important and characteristic element in openSUSE. I love it.

Nevertheless, Yast has fallen behind on design. The program is powerful and versatile. But there could be some improvements made in organization and space-use customization.

Stay tuned my friends. In the mean time, I am always happy to hear from you, so please write me to

Maybe you have created more awesome ideas that deserve a spotlight or growth, so please write me :D

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