Bring Back Domino!

The Domino KDE style was an emergent and versatile style theme. It had the ability to be customized much like what Qt Curve or Bespin does. However, Domino had the ability to be customized and be previewed instantly has you made the changes. The configuration widow had all sorts of simple modifiers that could truly give some personality to your KDE 3.

This thing was so good that I even created my own versions of the style with my own tweaks and posted them at

This thing was something very worth the time playing with. I think it was one of the best styles that someone coded for KDE. You could control brightness, button shape, etc. Well mixed with the window decoration, one was able to create very concise and simple themes for your linux machine. However, with the coming of KDE 4, the developer of Domino decided not to port this theme to KDE 4 and the development stopped.

It also seems that the project did not attract any more devs that would have wanted to port it to KDE 4. So here I am, talking to the openSUSE people that know how to code well, asking them to give this style a chance to style openSUSE with KDE 4. Would you take it into consideration?

Oxygen is a beautiful style, very well thought. However, Oxygen is not like Domino when it comes to customizing your theme. Also, Oxygen ships by default with just about any other distro out there. openSUSE could step up with differentiation by using this style. Maybe what I am asking for is rather unrealistic, but Domino is such a great style, it deserves a chance.

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Anonymous said...

Domino style is included in OpenSUSE KDE3 repository.

Unknown said...

That is right, but it does not work on KDE 4. :(

Anonymous said...

Thats the great thing about free software, the best desktop is the one that YOU like.

I hate every default usually.
I hate docks and panels and prefer for them to disappear when not used.
I detest Oxygen with a passion. Too small, too bland to see. I prefer seomthing like Plastik for window decoration and a Slim Glow theme for KDE4.
And left sided max-min-close buttons... yech!!

But it doesnt matter because my tastes dont have to be default.
They have to be useful to basically two people: me and the person who created the theme,etc...

So I can honestly say that the graphics you showed were .... blechhh!!!
But there might be people who are into that stuff. Im sure there is.
It doesnt make this better or worse, it just isnt for me.

The fact that we have so much choice means that everyone can find something to their liking.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I agree with you. It's about choice. One that does not currently exist because Domino is not being currently worked on. I also love tweaking the graphics on my openSUSE, but when your choices are limited, what do you do? I am not one to conform to one style like Oxygen (which was prettier in the previews than the end result) I would like to have some more. I contacted the developer of Domino, but he explained that he just got tired of coding Domino and that his port for KDE 4 did not receive any help from other developers. Too bad, because it's a cool, cool, style.